
0471 299-0
0471 299-3196
The Klinikum Bremerhaven-Reinkenheide gGmbH is the municipal hospital in Bremerhaven for Bremerhaven and the region. It is a full-service clinic and secures health care for the city and country around the clock, day after day. It is a municipal and modern acute care hospital with 813 beds, 15 clinics, 2 institutes and a medical care center. Every year, around 25,000 patients are treated in hospital. In the same period, about 20,000 outpatients and about 31,000 emergencies will be treated. The average length of stay of all inpatients is 7.7 days. With around 2,500 employees, it is the largest hospital in the Lower-Weser region.
Übersetzung: translate.google.com
The most important telephone numbers in case of emergency
Police emergency call
Fire department and rescue service
Poisoning emergency number Lower Saxony/Bremen
0551 19240
Accident and emergency unit at
Klinikum Bremerhaven-Reinkenheide
0471 299 - 0
In case of emergency
Are you injured? Has a family member had an accident?
In case of emergency please call for an ambulance which will get you to a hospital quickly and safely.
In case you come to hospital by yourself please announce this at the hospital's accident and emergency unit.
In all our departments you can easily get from the main entrance to the accident and emergency units. In case your child is ill or hurt and you can not reach your paediatrician you can come to our clinics' emmergency department round the clock.
Klinikum Bremerhaven-Reinkenheide welcomes nurses from abroad who would like to live and work in Bremerhaven / Germany.
This video briefly introduces the municipal hospital of the city of Bremerhaven, located at the shore of the North Sea. Also, a nurse from the Philippines who works at Klinikum Bremerhaven talks about her experience here: her reasons for moving from the Philippines to Germany and for choosing Klinikum Bremerhaven; her working conditions, team atmosphere and support from the Klinikum Bremerhaven; and what the city of Bremerhaven is like.